Back in January, I wrote up a 3 part examination of US Saturn returns, along with some interpretation of what the current Saturn return may bring. Interesting things have abounded over the last 3 months, many of which have been seriously downplayed and all but ignored by the mainstream media, but have still had the effect of bringing us to what I would have to call the proverbial edge of national catastrophe. Between the pro- and anti- union protests of February here in the US ("Valentines Day Protests" anybody?), ongoing revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, etc, the new war in Libya (sorry, the "Kinetic Military Action"), and the Japanese earthquake, tsunami and multiple nuclear meltdowns ("partial meltdowns", sort of like being partially pregnant in my opinion), things have been shaping up to be some of the most interesting of times witnessed in modern history internationally. It's times like these that I like to take a step back, review what has been written, and then make some projections of the that's what we'll do.
As I outlined in The 8th US Saturn Return - Part 3, Neptune is currently transiting the US 3rd natal house in Aquarius, and has been conjuncting with the US natal Moon placement since the early summer of 2008. The US natal Moon is often thought to denote the "American Dream" and "the US as a melting pot" ideology. Neptune here has been causing lots of confusion surrounding these aspects of the "American personality", and, as March progresses into April, we're finally seeing some of that confusion fall away.
As I noted, it was during this time of "confused devotional fanaticism" that Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize (before completing even a full year in office). Today, we can clearly see some of this "false glory" fading, as actions begin to speak louder than words, with international calls for Obama's Peace Prize to be stripped. This issue will be raised in the international arena again in the near future, likely around early May when Mars sextiles the US natal Moon from late Aries, but by this time I think there will be other issues taking the main headlines.
Also noted was the imminent move of Uranus from Pisces and the 3rd natal house into Aries and, eventually, the 4th house. Today, March 24th, Uranus is at approximately 0 degrees and 45 seconds of Aries, and in approximately 3 days will enter the 4th natal house of the US. Placed within a 1 degree orb of the MC/IC axis, there is a strong dynamic being brought to the surface, showing clearly the dichotomy between the US public appearance and what is going on "behind the scenes". It was just this morning that the video of Obama himself being locked out of the White House surfaced...I can only say to read between the lines on that one.
Also with this movement of Uranus into Aries came an increased risk of natural and unnatural disasters worldwide. It's interesting to note that on very day that Uranus moved into Aries, the world's most costly natural disaster to date began occurring in Japan. I say "began" because, to date, the nuclear reactors and spent fuel rod storage pools at Fukishima Daiichi are STILL not fully under control. Already, due to the damage throughout Japan from this horrifying triple-disaster, US auto plants have begun laying off workers, food imports from Japan have been halted and such things as "potassium iodide", "millisieverts" and "cesium 137" have become part of the national lexicon. Uranus will remain in Aries through to 2018 before moving into Taurus and the US natal 5th house - between now and then I believe we can expect continued disasters involving nuclear power and radiation that threaten the US mainland. Also on the front-page will be more and larger earthquakes along with the most catastrophic fires, flooding and wind damage seen to date. This is a large window of opportunity, but do expect most of these events to happen during 2011 and early 2012, while Uranus traverses the first 5 degrees of Aries.
Looking to the more personal planets during the second conjunction of this Saturn return, Mars was noted to be in a strong opposition to the natal Neptune placement and loosely squaring its own natal position in Gemini and the 7th house. This is a warlike aspect, and I noted that, though war itself was rather unlikely, posturing and rhetoric were to be expected. Also, oil issues would be in the headlines throughout this period. Both of these have come to pan out, with oil today hovering around $106/barrel and the unpopular, US led military intervention in Libya making front-page news over the last week.
As Mars conjuncts Uranus and the US natal IC, and enters the first degree of Aries, over April 2nd through April 4th, expect a "heating up" of these issues as "oil fears" are realized and "war" begins to spread beyond the borders of Libya.
I had also noted that the Moon was seen transiting the US natal 11th house and Scorpio during the hours of conjunction on March 22nd, bringing a woman into the spotlight on "international affairs", while "distancing" herself from "domestic issues". This woman, of course, represents Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, same as during the first of this three part return back in November and December. Also of note was Venus becoming conjunct with the US natal Moon, signifying confusion being brought to light over "an issue of immigration or humanitarian aid". On March 26th, as the Moon transits the US natal Pluto placement and Venus conjuncts the transiting Neptune, expect some sudden and tragic news to break. This looks to be related to something already in the headlines, but will allow us to see it in a new and disappointing light.
Another key aspect was seen as Jupiter being loosely opposed to the natal and transiting Saturn placement, and squaring the natal Sun, as the transiting Sun conjuncted with Uranus and the IC in the first degree of Aries. I noted that a likely interpretation would be a man coming into the public eye through some form of accusation of corruption by either the US government or big business. Interestingly, on the 18th, Bernard von NotHaus was convicted on spurious counts of counterfeiting US currency and conspiracy against the United States. Meanwhile, a bill to begin the process of having the state issue its own currency of gold and silver has been introduced in North Carolina and Ron Paul introduced the Free Competition in Currency Act to Congress, which would repeal the very laws used to convict the so-called "architect" of Liberty Dollars. Though this issue hasn't seen major street protests and rallies as of yet, I certainly have a feeling these will be front page news in a matter of weeks (especially as April 15th approaches).
Also related to all of this is the release of photos showing members of the US military posing proudly with dead Afghans just this Sunday. Hopefully this will prove to be a fairly isolated incident and not the sort of widespread abuse seen at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.
The New Moon of April 3rd will be loosely conjunct Jupiter, still in opposition to the natal and transiting Saturn placement and square to the natal Sun (setting up a powerful T-square aspect), and could signify new developments of government and big business corruption issues. Perhaps a planning phase will begin for a national movement against the Federal Reserve system or the IRS, or perhaps some related information will be brought out through the mainstream media. Either way, the days surrounding the 3rd look to be full of fireworks.
We're only beginning the second phase of the US Saturn return, and already we're seeing some of the most chaotic times in recent memory coming to pass. It should come as no surprise that much is yet to be decided in the near- and long-term fates of the US, with another "stop-gap" spending bill pushing the big issues back another couple weeks, but so far we can see that things have only escalated. That's never a good sign when dealing with a Saturn return, as the worse things seem to be, the worse they will inevitably get.
During the weeks preceding the final conjunction of this Saturn return on August 28th, we should see things calm down significantly on the domestic front. This will be noticeable once Jupiter transits into Taurus on June 4th and stability, renewed optimism and a sense of direction take shape nationally.
Leading up to that time, the big news stories to hit headlines will likely deal with many of the same issues of last fall, specifically those of October and November. As Americans continue to wake up to the various forms of corruption and criminal mischief at the highest levels of government and big business, many of the same debates of 2010 will be replayed, this time with a new sense of clarity and purpose. The big fight, delayed over and over again, will finally take place in Congress as the fiscal irresponsibility of the last 7 years is exposed to some sunshine. The officials elected to office in November will be called upon to perform the toughest task of our times, and a high level of anxiety will hang over the debates taking place in Washington. The chaotic scenes of February in Wisconsin and Ohio will be seen again, likely at every state capitol, and perhaps even in DC before middle July.
Probably the most interesting thing to NOT develop thus far, in my opinion, is the promised WikiLeaks "bank data" release. The release will likely play the role of "biggest game-changer" when it finally does develop, possibly sparking massive banking reforms or even a sort of popular revolution. This may happen as soon as April 6th during the Sun/Jupiter conjunction, or as late as May 23rd as Mercury goes direct.
In any case, the next few months look to be chock full of "interesting times".